Monday, July 21, 2008

SOLVED: Firefox 3 Sun Java Plug-In

Having recently switched from Firefox 2 to Firefox 3, I found that the Java Plug-In was no longer working. Looking at the list of browser plugins being used by Firefox 3 (enter "about:plugins" in the browser's navigation field) I discovered that the OpenJDK GCJ was being used rather than Sun's JRE v6.0 plugin (from the sun-java6-* packages).

It took some time to work out why this was the case - /usr/lib/firefox/plugins contained a symbolic link to /etc/alternatives/, which in turn was set to Sun's JRE v6.0 plug-in.

The only Java Plug-In alternative set to OpenJDK's was that of xulrunner-1.9. So, I changed it's setting to Sun's JRE v.6.0 of the plugin:

sudo update-alternatives --config

and upon restarting Firefox 3 it used Sun's Java Plug-In.

Very weird, and possibly related to this bug?

SOLVED: Firefox2 removal

After upgrading from Dapper Drake to Hardy Heron I decided to keep using Firefox 2 rather than Firefox 3, even though the latter had been installed - no problem.

However, a few annoying problems with Firefox 2 prompted me to make the switch. So, I ran

sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

to set Firefox 3 to the default web-browser and uninstalled the firefox-2 package. However, clicking on the Firefox icons continued to run Firefox 2.

After digging around I realised that I still had a local copy of the Mozilla Firefox 2 build due to having used ubuntuzilla. To fix this I did the following:
  1. uninstalled the local copy of Firefox
  2. uninstalled ubuntuzilla
  3. reset System > Preferences > Preferred Applications > Web Browser to Firefox

Friday, July 18, 2008

SOLVED: vpnc and resolvconf

I've been using vpnc to connect to a Cisco 3000 VPN Concentrator. Since upgrading from Dapper Drake to Hardy Heron I noticed that after about 20 minutes domain name resolution would fail even though the VPN was still up.

It turned out that /etc/resolv.conf we being overwritten by the DHCP client when the DHCP lease expired (and needed renewal).

The solution was to install the resolvconf package, which manages /etc/resolv.conf.